How are you doing today? How is life going for you?

No really, I actually mean it—HOW ARE YOU DOING?

If you take your “emotional pulse” and find that it is racing out of control—or beating listlessly—life coaching can help.

Would you like to stop running from crisis to crisis? That anxious, overwhelmed feeling you’re experiencing is a signal that your battery storage is depleted and needs to be recharged. Life coaching can help you find or reconnect with the best in yourself. You can restock your pantry with the “good stuff” so that you have the energy to move forward with joy.

If you lean more toward lethargy and indecision, would you like to find more purpose and enjoyment in your life? Sometimes the busy-ness of life, or the expectations of others, or our own self-defeating patterns of behavior can leave us feeling—meh. Life coaching can help you open up to new ideas about yourself and your world, and help you take actions that make a difference. Instead of plodding with quiet resignation through the days of your life, you can put life in your days.

The Philosophy of Positive Psychology

My coaching philosophy is rooted in the study of Positive Psychology. This field originated from the idea that, in order to be of the most help, we should study the characteristics of people who are doing well, rather than studying those who are struggling. With that in mind, I strive to help people to find their strengths. Then they can nurture the things that enhance those strengths, reduce those factors that impede their strengths, and probably learn to accept a few things they cannot change.

Both in Positive Psychology and in my coaching practice, the idea of resilience is key. Resilience is about thriving, not just surviving. Through my coaching practice, I support people in their journey to build the practices and mindset that will help them prepare to bounce back from the inevitable challenges of life, and to also find the everyday practices that give us joy and cushion our falls.

I work with adults of all ages, who are working on a wide variety of issues. More details can be found on the Services Provided page.